Harvest Moon Branches Out

The latest issue of Famitsu saw the announcement of another entry to the Harvest Moon series, this time in the form of a WiiWare game. In an interesting twist, the new game, Harvest Moon: Makiba no Omise (Ranch Store), has players taking charge of a shop, though the staple of the series– farming and animal care– will return. Players can choose to start the game as a boy or a girl and run one of three types of shops: a juice shop with beverages made from the ranch’s produce; an ice-cream parlour with desserts made from the ranch’s milk; or an Easter egg shop where the ranch’s eggs can be turned into decorative baubles. Characters from other Harvest Moon games will appear as patrons whom players can befriend.

The game will be available in Japan on April 28 for 1,500 Wii Points.

Source: IGN

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