Valhalla Knights 3 Set for October Release

Valhalla Knights 3, the little series that just keeps on truckin’, will launch on North American PS Vitas starting in October, according to publisher XSEED Games. The company also released details about the game’s seven races, which run the gamut from standard fantasy to more imaginative (and specialized):

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The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky Second Chapter Coming to PSP, PC

XSEED has announced that The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky Second Chapter is coming to both PSP and PC via Steam. Aiding them with the translation is Carpe Fulgur, best known for Recettear and Chantelise.

Second Chapter comes out in 2014. For PC fans, the first Trails in the Sky will also be released on Steam this winter.

Source: Gematsu

tri-Ace to Develop Phantasy Star Nova for PS Vita

During their SCEJA 2013 press conference, Sega announced the latest entry in the Phantasy Star series, titled Phantasy Star Nova. tri-Ace is handling development, and the game will be similar in worldview to Phantasy Star Online 2 without the online elements. Details are still forthcoming, but for now the title is planned for a 2014 launch on PS Vita.

Source: Gematsu

Final Fantasy XIV PS4 Beta Scheduled for February

With Final Fantasy XIV well underway on existing platforms, Square Enix confirmed that the North American beta for the PS4 version will start on February 22. Additionally, PS3 players will be able to migrate to the PS4 version at no additional cost.

Source: Gematsu

Etrian Odyssey Untold Demo Coming Next Week

Atlus will be releasing a demo for Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl on Nintendo’s eShop on September 16, the company announced recently. Friendly reminder: the game itself will launch on October 1.

Source: Gematsu

Ubisoft Reveals Child of Light

Ubisoft has lifted the lid off Child of Light, a downloadable classic-styled RPG using the Rayman Legends engine. The game tells the tale of Aura, a fairy girl traveling the mysterious land of Lemuria in search of her home. She’s accompanied by her fiery pal Igniculus, whom the second player controls in the game’s co-op mode.

Child of Light is planned for a 2014 release on PS3, PS4, 360, Xbox One, Wii U, and PC.

Source: Gematsu

Theatrhythm Sequel Announced For to 3DS

On the off chance you haven’t had your fill of Final Fantasy music-themed gameplay, Square Enix has you covered. Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call has been announced for 3DS, coming to a Japan near you in Spring 2014. The game is slated to include over 200 songs, including tracks from Final Fantasy XIV and Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII, 60+ characters, and a multiplayer versus mode.

Source: Gematsu

Final Fantasy XV, Kingdom Hearts III Not Being Developed Simultaneously

In a recent interview, Square Enix producer Shinji Hashimoto stated that Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts III are not in simultaneous development. “Both have Tetsuya Nomura as their director,” said Hashimoto, “so we can’t create these two big games at the same time. It’s a difficult job, as we want each game to be perfect in terms of quality.”

The announcement for Kingdom Hearts III, he added, was specifically to address speculation on the sequel, though a timeframe for development was not clarified. Hashimoto emphasized that there is still much work to do. Both titles will see a PS4/Xbox One release, though neither has a known release window at this time.

Source: Gematsu

Natural Doctrine Announced for PS3, PS4, PS Vita

Kadokawa Game Studio has announced Natural Doctrine, a fantasy RPG for Playstations 3 and 4, and the PS Vita. The launch trailer advertises you will “assault through the world by natural selection,” and the premise reportedly centers on humans fighting other species – humanoid and otherwise – for survival. Check out said trailer over on the YouTubes.

The title is planned for a February 22, 2012 launch in Japan.

Source: Gematsu

More iOS Tales On the Way

With Tales of Link recently announced for iOS, Namco Bandai followed up by stating that the PSP version of Tales of Phantasia will see a re-release on the same platform this fall. Additionally, a new title – Tales of Bibliotheca – is also in development for iOS; this one more of a scenario collection app that covers multiple Tales entries. Each downloadable chapter will include a summary, various scenes, new illustrations, and original battles, though voices will remain untouched.

Chapter 1 of Bibliotheca will be free, covering Tales of Vesperia and launching in mid-September. Subseqent chapters 2-12 are 170 yen individually, with the full game costing 1700 yen. No US releases were announced for either title.

Source: Gematsu

The Witch and the Hundred Knight (Singular) Goes Global

NIS America has announced that The Witch and the Hundred Knights will see a North American and European release in 2014, rebranded as The Witch and the Hundred Knight, singular. As the titular legendary knight, you enter a contract with a suspicious witch named Metallia, who has been confined to the swampland where she resides and seeks to expand her borders; specifically, you are tasked with knocking down Pillars that were built to prevent the swamp from spreading.

Check out the official website hereabouts.

Source: Gematsu

Ys: Memories of Celceta Gets Limited Edition

Apart from its standard release at $39.99, Ys: Memories of Celceta will see a special limited edition, according to developer XSEED Games. Priced at $59.99, the Silver Anniversary Edition includes the game, a special box, a cloth map, an Ys branded compass, an artbook/strategy guide, and a three-disc soundtrack collection spanning the franchise’s history.

The game is planned for a holiday release in North America.

Source: Gematsu

Level 5 Reveals Sales Figures, Announces Wonder Flick

In a recent press conference, Level 5 lifted the veil on sales figures for its various franchises. Of particular note is Ni no Kuni, which sold a respectable 1.4 million copies worldwide between PS3 and DS, about half of which were sold outside of Japan. They also revealed the Professor Layton series sold about 15 million in total, and Inazuma Eleven sold 6.5 million (both figures worldwide).

In the same press conference, the company announced they are developing a crossplatform free-to-play RPG titled Wonder Flick. Seemingly a traditional RPG with some character creation mechanics, the game will feature music from Final Fantasy composer Nobuo Uematsu. Wonder Flick will launch on PS3, PS4, Xbox One, Wii U, PS Vita, iOS, and Android platforms; save data will be shared across every platform, though each will feature exclusive dungeons.

At present the title is planned only for a 2013 release on iOS/Android in Japan, with console versions to follow in 2012. A global release was not announced.

Source: Gematsu

Mass 30 Years Old Media 09/03/13

Bravely Default Update Announced

Bravely Default: Flying Fairy will apparently be getting an updated version, titled Bravely Default: For the Sequel. Title notwithstanding, this will be a redux of Flying Fairy with some new features, some of which will be in the actual sequel. In particular, the game fatures a new battle system, which reportedly will run at a faster pace than the original. The updated version also includes an event viewer, greater configuration options, more save slots, better town graphics, more party banter, and an overhaul of the user interface.

For the Sequel will launch on December 5 in Japan, priced at 4,990 yen at retail and 2,900 yen digitally. A global release has been confirmed, though exact dates were not specified; the US version is scheduled for next year, with the European version planned for late release this year.

Source: Gematsu

Zeboyd Games Announces Cosmic Star Heroine

Zeboyd Games, developers of Cthulhu Saves the World and Penny Arcade’s On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3 and 4, have announced their next title: Cosmic Star Heroine. A retro sci-fi RPG, the title centers on Alyssa L’Salle, an agent for a galaxy-spanning government that uncovers one secret too many. Her agency pulls a more extreme Burn Notice and outs her as a spy, with both friends and enemies coming out of the woodwork.

Cosmic Star Heroine reportedly is influenced by Chrono Trigger (in terms of battle and visual style), Phantasy Star (overall worldbuilding), and Suikoden (political intrigue and player headquarters), according to lead designer Robert Boyd. The game will be funded via Kickstarter, and is planned for a launch on PC, Mac, PS4, and PS Vita.

Source: Gematsu

Super Robot Wars OG Infinite Battle Gets PS3 Launch

Namco Bandai announced the next entry for the long-running Super Robot Wars series. Super Robot Wars OG Infinite Battle will launch for the PS3 on November 28, priced at 7,480 yen for the standard edition and 8,980 for the limited edition. The extra yen for the LE gets you Super Robot Wars OG Dark Prison as a pack-in bonus, which will eventually be sold separately at 3,000 yen.

Source: Gematsu

Puzzle and Dragons Z Set for Japanese Release

GungHo Online has announced that Puzzle and Dragons Z will launch in Japan on December 12. The 3DS title will be priced at 4,400 yen for retail, and 4,000 even for a digital copy.

Source: Gematsu

Smartphone-Based Tales Game Announced

The ever-prolific Tales series will see a mobile installment, according to Namco Bandai. The company announced Tales of Link in development for smartphones, planned for a fall release in Japan.

Source: Gematsu

Fairy Fencer F Pushed Back

Fairy Fencer F has been delayed from its September 19 release in Japan, according to developer Compile Heart. The title will instead launch on October 10.

Source: Gematsu