A spokesperson for Sega announced that Phantasy Star Online 2 will not see an early 2013 release outside Japan, as was originally planned. No reason was given for the delay, with only the statement that Sega will “update everyone as soon as there are more details to share.”
Source: Gematsu
Atlus has just announced the next Etrian Odyssey for the 3DS. Subtitled as Etrian Odyssey: Millenium Girl, the game will launch in Japan on June 27, priced at 6,279 yen, and centers around mysterious earthquakes originating from the ruins of Etria. The game will reportedly have more of a story focus than is typical of the series, as spear-wielding protagonist Simon York and his pals are tasked by the Etrian government to investigate.
Source: Gematsu
After a long period of silence, Dragon’s Crown is back in the headlines. Weekly Famitsu reports that Vanillaware’s fantasy beat-em-up RPG will hit the PS3/Vita in Japan on July 25, priced at 8,190 yen.
Source: Gematsu
The indie developer behind Bastion has revealed their latest title: Transistor, a sci-fi action RPG. According to Supergiant’s Greg Kasavin, players assume the role of a woman who is attacked with the titular weapon, only to somehow gain control of it instead. The assailants redouble their efforts to get it back as she tries to uncover its mysteries.
Transistor is set for a 2014 release, though no platforms have been set. Check out the trailer and Kasavin’s post in full here.
To surprisingly little fanfare, Tecmo Koei has released the Vita version of Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland on the US Playstation Network. This was done seemingly without warning, as a US release had not even been confirmed.
At present, Atelier Totori Plus is a download-only title priced at $39.99. Check it out here if you need your portable alchemy fix.
Care of Atlus are some new details about Shin Megami Tensei IV. In particular, the game will make use of StreetPass to provide a “Digital Devil Service”, a proprietary social network for players to compare their handiwork. Also, apart from the main quest, players may take on various side missions: some are special challenge quests (over a hundred of them, apparently) that can be completed at any time, while others are requests from in-game groups who try to establish their own monasteries.
Source: Gematsu
Square Enix has confirmed the HD re-releases of Final Fantasy X and X-2 will launch in North America and Europe this year. The two games will be released jointly as Final Fantasy X | X-2 HD Remaster on the PS3, with the Vita versions to be sold separately. An announcement trailer will be hosted on the official site on March 25.
Yuno Gasai’s not the kind of girl you bring home to mother.
Continue reading ‘Mass Media 03/23/13’ »
Nintendo will be releasing the Pikachu Edition 3DS XL in North America on March 24. Priced at $199, the package includes a 4gig SD memory card and launches alongside Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity. While the game is not included in the package, players who buy both and register their system between March 21 and April 30 get a redeem code for one of five 3DS titles: Super Mario 3D Land, Star Fox 64 3D, Art Academy: Lessons for Everyone!, Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask, or Freakyforms Deluxe: Your Creations, Alive!
Source: Gematsu
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky will complete its high-def journey to the PS3 this year, with Falcom revealing Trails in the Sky the 3rd HD. The third in the series to make the jump from PSP, 3rd HD will launch in Japan on June 26 for 3990 yen.
Source: Gematsu
The console-tan moepocalpyse will continue, with Compile Heart announcing two new games in the Hyperdimension Neptunia series, both for the PS Vita. Few details have been given beyond the titles: Chou Megami Shinkou Noire Gekishin Black Heart and Chou Ji Jigen Game Neptune Re; Birth 1 (semicolon intentional, apparently). That first mouthful will star the character Noire, while the second was announced with the cryptic message “Neptune, restart.”
Both are scheduled for a 2013 release in Japan.
Source: Gematsu
The Wii U based Pokemon Rumble U, a downloadable entry in the Rumble spinoff series, will include Skylanders-style toy integration. Currently planned for Japan only, players will be able to buy figurines of various Pokemon and see them appear on screen.
The first set of figures will include Bulbasaur, Pikachu, Piplup, Victini, Torchic, Lucario, and one as-yet-unrevealed Pokemon. The game itself is priced at 1800 yen, with the toys running 200 yen apiece.
Source: Eurogamer
With the 3DS remake of Devil Survivor to reach Europe by the end of March, publisher Ghostlight responded to inquiries about the sequel, Devil Survivor 2, which hit North America back in 2012. Apparently, a European verison of DS2 is complete and approved by Nintendo, but the company is reluctant to release it due to DS titles being phased out of retail. “Without going into too much detail, retail support for DS titles is understandably low at the moment making it difficult for us to release the title,” the publisher said.
They are currently exploring an online release through their own storefront, though this would require “your full support in making this release happen.” The extent of that support was not made clear at this time.
Source: Eurogamer
After a weirdly long period of silence, Atlus has at last announced a European release date for Persona 4 Arena: May 10. Preorders will gain access to Limited Edition content, which includes the official arranged soundtrack with exclusive artwork and the Digital Fan Pack.
Source: Eurogamer
You went way too soon, Bessick.
Continue reading ‘Mass Media 03/16/13’ »
The Drakengard series, last seen at the number 2 on PS2, will be getting a new installment on the PS3, according to this week’s Famitsu. Drakengard 3 (titled Drag-on Dragoon 3 in Japan) is being developed by Access Games, along with some of the original Cavia staff; these include Nier director Taro Yoko, producer Takamasa Shiba, and character designer Kimihiko Fujisaka. Access, meanwhile, is perhaps best known for their surreal, Twin Peaks-ian adventure/horror title Deadly Premonition.
I’m not sure what to make of this. What do you think, Zach? Yeah, I agree.
Source: Joystiq
German website World of Players has dug a surprising amount of information from a PC Games preview of The Witcher 3. The major details are as follows:
- No quicktime events (oh, thank god).
- Geralt can target specific body parts in combat, using action points or some variant thereof.
- Players will be able to hunt animals for crafting materials; Geralt’s senses allow him to track these creatures.
- You’ll use horses and boats to get around, along with more traditional fast-travel options from known locations.
- Players will not be restricted by invisible borders; the game’s three main areas will be accessible at the start.
- Saves from previous Witcher games will be importable, which affect character relationships but not the main story.
- Speaking of the main story, it runs about 50 hours, with side content pushing that closer to 100.
- The Witcher 3 will have a tutorial at the onset, unlike its predecessor.
- PC and console UIs will be designed differently.
The game is planned for a 2014 release on PC, PS4, and likely the next Xbox.
Source: Eurogamer
Title’s got the gist of it. The 3DS remake of Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor will hit European retailers this April, to be priced at £34.99.
Source: Eurogamer
PC patch notes for Skyrim 1.9b contain the usual laundry list of bugfixes and tweaks, but along with that was the implementation of Legendary skills. That is, skills that reach 100 can be designated as Legendary, which “reset the skill to 15, return its Perks and allow the skill to affect leveling again. This effectively removes the overall level cap.”
Presumably there is some benefit to doing so, though the patch notes do not go into detail. See the full list of changes for yourself here.
Amidst a sneak peek of the Devil Survivor 2 anime, it was revealed that the game will see a 3DS port subtitled Devil Survivor 2: Break Code. No release period was specified, though more details will be featured in the March 28 issue of Famitsu.
Source: Gematsu