Lightning Returns Details: Outfit Customization, Vanille’s Return, and More

At a recent press event, Square Enix unveiled yet more details about Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. Of particular note are the following:

  • Regarding costumes, Lightning will have various outfits to change into, both from regular gameplay and from preorder bonuses. These include Cloud’s SOLDIER outfit from FFVII, a Miqo’te outfit from FFXIV, Yuna’s summoner getup from FFX, and her previous outfits from XIII and XIII-2. Additionally, players can customize the color set of each outfit.
  • Vanille will make a re-appearance alongside Fang, Snow, and others. Reportedly, a religious group called the “Salvation Council” is providing her with shelter; shelter from what was not specified.
  • Time will be a factor occasionally, with certain quests on a time limit and shop inventories that may change over the course of the game.
  • The game will have only one ending, though a New Game Plus feature is in development.

Source: Gematsu

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