Compile Heart Announces Fairy Fencer F

Compile Heart’s enigmatic Galapagos RPG brand now has its first entry, titled Fairy Fencer F. Developed by the Hyperdimension Neptunia team, the game is planned for a release later this year, though few other details were given at this time.

Source: Gematsu

Devil Survivor 2: Break Record Pushed Back

Publisher/developer Atlus announced that Devil Survivor 2: Break Record unfortunately not make its planned July 11 release date in Japan. Claiming concerns over quality, the company indicated that the game would instead be released in the fall of this year, though an exact date was not given.

Source: Gematsu

Mass Media 05/11/13

Brooks Orpik of all people sends the Pens to the next round.

Continue reading ‘Mass Media 05/11/13’ »

Mother 4 Status: Not Happening

Over on Twitter, Mother series creator Shigesato Itoi has stated that a new entry in the franchise is “impossible.” The sky is also still blue.

Zelda Director: LttP Sequel “Departure” from Previous Games

Zelda series director Eiji Aonuma spoke recently about the upcoming Link to the Past sequel for 3DS. As with the original game, players will shift between Light and Dark worlds. However, despite the classic top-down perspective, Aonuma said the game will be a “departure” from the usual Zelda fare. In particular, he stated that the staple of finding items to progressively open up the game world “certainly feels different from [the developer’s] point of view.”

Additionally, Link will have the ability to jump into the walls as some kind of drawing, ala Phanton Ganon from Ocarina of Time. The game will also make some use of the 3DS’ 3D capabilities, although no further details were available.

Source: Gematsu

Atlus Launches Shin Megami Tensei IV Website

The official US website for Shin Megami Tensei IV is now online and available here. As a reminder, the game itself launches on July 16.

Dragon’s Crown Given Release Date

VanillaWare beat-em-up/RPG/fanservice generator Dragon’s Crown has finally been given a North American launch date of August 6. Prices are set at $39.99 for the Vita version, and $49.99 for the PS3.

Source: Gematsu

Devil Survivor 2: Break Record Launches in July

As long as we’re talking Shin Megami Tensei subseries, Devil Survivor 2: Break Record will launch in Japan on July 11.

Source: Gematsu

Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers Hits Europe This Fall

Yeah, it’s that simple: NIS America announced it will bring Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers to European outlets this fall. A specific date was not given at this time.

Source: Gematsu

Hyperdimension Neptunia Team Behind First Galapagos RPG Project

Compile Heart’s recently announced Galapagos RPG brand has its first title in the works: a fantasy RPG being developed by the Hyperdimension Neptunia team. Little else was revealed, though a full announcement is expected in the May 9 Weekly Famitsu.

Source: Gematsu

Shin Megami Tensei IV Gets Detailed

New Shin Megami Tensei IV details have been revealed over the weekend. Of particular note:

  • While background music will have some ties to previous titles, there is no direct connection to the first three SMT games.
  • Clearing the game will take over 50 hours.
  • Paid DLC is planned for the game.
  • Character voices can be switched on and off.
  • Players can gain experience from Demon Fusion and conversations.
  • The Moon Phase system has been dropped.

Source: Gematsu

Mass Media 04/27/13

If there isn’t a super saiyan mode in Puzzle and Dragons Z I’ll be very upset.

Continue reading ‘Mass Media 04/27/13’ »

Ragnarok Odyssey Ace Delayed

Ragnarok Odyssey Ace will unfortunately not be released on July 11 in Japan as planned. In the announcement, GungHo Online Entertainment stated only that the delay is due to “various circumstances,” which were not specified. No new release date was given.

Source: Gematsu

Compile Heart Announces Galapogos RPG Brand

Compile Heart, the brains behind the Neptunia series, have set up a new game brand for RPGs designed specifically for Japanese customers. The brand, Galapogos RPG, will see its first entry in 2013 as “a completely new fantasy title.” Naturally, very few details are available at this time, though a teaser site is available in Japanese here.

Namco Bandai Hosts Design-a-Shield Contest for Dark Souls 2

Namco Bandai has whipped up a contest for Dark Souls, asking for participants to design a shield for Dark Souls 2. Applicants are to download a blank shield template and submit their designs via Facebook app, available here.

Submissions will be accepted through May 13, with voting starting today and continuing until May 20. The highest-rated designs will be forwarded to From Software themselves, who will pick six of them to be included in the game.

Source: Gematsu

Etrian Odyssey: Millenium Girl to Include Original Etrian Odyssey Remake

Etrian Odyssey: Millenium Girl will feature a Classic Mode option, which is in fact a remake of the original Etrian Odyssey built into the game itself. Players may create their own characters in this mode, rather than using those designed for Millenium Girl‘s story.

Source: Gematsu

Zelda: Link to the Past to Get 3DS Sequel

Some twenty-odd years since its debut, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past will be getting a direct sequel, as revealed on a recent Nintendo Direct. Though it lacks an international title, it is listed in Japan as A Link to the Past 2 and is not a remake of the original. The game is currently planned for a holiday release on the 3DS.

Source: Gematsu

EarthBound Coming to Wii U VC

Cult classic RPG EarthBound is at last coming to the Virtual Console outside Japan. Nintendo confirmed the oft-in-demand title will arrive on the Wii U VC in North America and Europe by the end of 2013.

In tangentially related news, the hard part isn’t getting Mother 3. It’s letting go.

Source: Gematsu

Shin Megami Tensei IV Dated for NA, Confirmed for EU

Shin Megami Tensei IV‘s North American release date has just been announced, and the game is now set for July 16. Additionally, a European release has been confirmed, though no date was given at this time.

Source: Gematsu

Bravely Default to Go Global in 2014

Bravely Default: Flying Fairy will indeed see a western release after all. Square Enix revealed that Nintendo will publish the North American and European versions; Europe will get theirs sometime in 2013, whereas North America’s will follow in 2014.

Source: Gematsu