Belated Mass Media 11-09-13

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Devil Survivor 2 3DS Delayed to 2014

Devil Survivor 2: Break Record reportedly will not make its planned fall 2013 release window. Atlus announced that the 3DS port/update has been pushed back to 2014, stating that the move would allow for further improvements to the game.

Source: Gematsu

South Park RPG Delayed Until March

South Park: The Stick of Truth has been pushed back from its December launch by publisher Ubisoft. All versions of the title will instead hit shelves on March 4.

Source: Gematsu

Dragon Quest Monsters 2 Set for February Release in Japan

Square Enix has announced that Dragon Quest Monsters 2 will hit the 3DS in Japan on February 6, priced at 5,490 yen. The limited edition adds figurines of Iru and Luca for a total of 6,990 yen, while a 3DS XL bundle includes the game and system (with a themed design) for 24,390 yen.

Source: Gematsu

Valhalla Knights 3 Gold Coming to PS Vita

Valhalla Knights 3, which released earlier this year in Japan and just weeks ago everywhere else, will be getting an updated re-release. Valhalla Knights 3 Gold will boast story additions alongside mechanical improvements, such as improved combat speed, faster load times, new races, and new jobs. Save data from the original game can be used with the Gold version, and preorders will include special DLC items.

Valhalla Knights 3 Gold launches in Japan on February 27, priced at 5,229 yen. A global release was not confirmed.

Source: Gematsu

Atelier Escha & Logy Anime Announced

With Atelier Escha & Logy just recently hitting the PS3 in Japan – and coming everywhere else in March 2014 – Gust has announced that an anime adaptation of the title is in development. Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky is being handled by Studio Gokumi and planned for a 2014 release.

Source: Gematsu

Atelier Escha & Logy Set for March Launch

As readers of the title may have surmised, Tecmo Koei announced the release date for Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemist of Dusk Sky. The latest Atelier game will hit European PS3s on March 7, with the North American release to follow on March 11.

Source: Gematsu

Ragnarok Odyssey Ace Coming to NA, EU

XSEED Games has announced that Ragnarok Odyssey Ace will indeed see a release in North America and Europe. Both the PS Vita and PS3 versions will be priced at $39.99, with the Vita package including a bonus soundtrack CD. Ace goes global in early 2014.

Source: Gematsu

First Final Fantasy XV Voice Actor Revealed

Actor Jay Preston will reportedly be on the cast for Final Fantasy XV, having worked previously on the iOS title The Ories and the PC game Snark Busters: High Society. His role in the game’s cast was not stated.

Source: Gematsu

Fairy Fencer F Demo Dated for Halloween

Fairy Fender F, which released in Japan on October 10, will be getting a demo version on the PlayStation Store. Assuming the language barrier is not an option for the rest of you, feel free to check out said demo here when it goes live on October 31, better known as “tomorrow.”

Source: Gematsu

Sorcery Saga Headed for Europe

Idea Factory’s Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Curry God will be making its way to Europe, with Rising Star Games handling the localization. Europeans can begin saving their local curry joint from the invisible hand of market forces starting in early 2014.

Source: Gematsu

Ys: Memories of Celceta European Release Announced

NIS America has revealed that Ys: Memories of Celceta for PS Vita will see a European release, with a launch window of early 2014.

Source: Gematsu

New Legend of Heroes Game Planned for 10th Anniversary

Following the release of The Legend of Heroes: Sen no Kiseki last month, developer Falcom has announced that a new entry in the series is in development. Currently untitled, the next game is planned to coincide with the series’ 10th anniversary in June 2014.

Source: Gematsu

Disgaea 4 Return Preorders Include Soundtrack

As the title suggests, Nippon Ichi is including the “Disgaea Vocal Song: The Best” soundtrack CD with preordered copies of Disgaea 4: Return. The PS Vita redux of Disgaea 4 hits Japan on January 30.

Source: Gematsu

Square Enix Puts Together Crack Team for Final Fantasy

Okay, so they call it a “Committee to preserve the quality of future games in the series,” but I like the way I put it better. Anyway, Square Enix has assembled a group of internal series veterans with the aim of quality control for the Final Fantasy series. What this entails has not been specified, but the group’s members include Hajime Tabata (Type-0‘s director and XV‘s co-director), Motomu Toriyama (XIII saga director), Yoshinori Kitase (XIII saga producer), and Naoki Yoshida (XIV‘s lord and savior director and producer).

Source: Gematsu

Battle Princess of Arcadia Media

Harvest Moon: Linking the New World Announced

The next entry in the Harvest Moon series has been announced. Harvest Moon: Linking the New World hits the 3DS in February in Japan, priced at 5040 yen.

Source: Gematsu

Dragon’s Crown Update Adds Cross-platform Multiplayer

Thanks to a recent patch, Dragon’s Crown now supports cross-platform multiplayer between the PS3 and PS Vita. At present this only affects Japan; a global update is likely but not confirmed at this time.

Source: Gematsu

Drakengard 3 Planned for NA, EU Release in 2014

Square Enix has announced that Drakengard 3 will be released in North America and Europe. Retailing at $49.99, the title launches sometime in 2014, though an exact date is not yet known.

Source: Gematsu

Tales of Hearts R Heads for iOS

Tales of Hearts R, the Vita remake of Tales of Hearts, is now available on iOS, though currently in Japan only. For the game’s release week, the price has been set at 1800 yen; after October 15, it will climb to 3800 yen.

Source: Gematsu