I suppose “bonanza” is a bit strong for “these two games are coming out in Europe,” but what the heck. Persona 4: Golden, AKA probably the best reason to own a Vita right now, will hit European markets starting February 22. Completely unrelated game Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory will spread its console moepocalypse on March 15.
Source: Gematsu
Via Famitsu, more details have emerged regarding Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII‘s battle system and character design. In particular, the ATB system will reportedly be a lot busier this time around, and will be used more in the field in place of dashing. Styles can be changed instantaneously, and there’s little to no delay between pressing the button and executing the command.
In other matters, Lightning’s outfit was designed by Toshiyuki Itahana, as opposed to Tetsuya Nomura, who originally illustrated Lightning. Itahana had previously worked on some downloadable costumes for Final Fantasy XIII-2.
Source: Gematsu
The expansion for Dragon’s Dogma, titled Dark Arisen will see a late April release worldwide: April 23 for North America, 25 for Europe, and 26 for Japan. US versions ring up at $39.99, with European ones at €29.99 / £19.99 and the Japanese version at 4990 yen.
Among the usual expansion bonuses – new areas, new missions, new enemies – Dark Arisen will include the full base game with purchase. Additionally, some improvements are planned to the core game, notably to menus and travel in general; details on those were not provided at this time.
Source: Gematsu
Along with the other Nintendo Direct announcements, the Big N revealed that the Wii U will be getting two new Zelda games. First is Wind Waker, which will get a high definition upgrade for its re-release. The second, however, is an entirely new title designed specifically for the Wii U. Little is yet known about this second title, as series producer Eiji Aonuma has said that “Since it is a bigger development project, it will take some time before we can make a more concrete announcement.”
Source: Gematsu
Speaking of trailers, Nintendo also showcased a short gameplay montage for Monolith Soft’s upcoming Wii U RPG. It remains untitled, though several developers are named: Kunihiki Tanaka on character design, Hiroyuki Sawano on music, and Tetsuya Takahashi as executive director. Check it out for yourself here.
Pokemon x Nobunaga’s Ambition now has a partner in unexpected game crossovers. Nintendo has just announced Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem for the Wii U. Naturally, this collaboration will bring both Nintendo and Atlus on board, though details are very sketchy at the moment. For the moment, this teaser trailer will have to suffice.
With Xenoblade Chronicles and The Last Story down, it was only a matter of time. XSEED Games has confirmed that Pandora’s Tower will see a North American release this spring.
Source: Gematsu
Yep, it’s that simple: Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII will see a PS360 release in Fall of this year. So sayeth the extended announcement trailer, available over on that there YouTube if you’re so inclined.
Skyrim‘s DLC will at last be hitting all platforms. Dragonborn will launch on the PC starting February 5, while all content (including Dawnguard and Hearthfire) will become available on the PS3 later that same month. While specific dates were not given for the PS3 versions, Bethesda did state that the 1.8 update will precede Dragonborn, which will be the first DLC to hit the platform.
Source: Gematsu
Never take a nap at eight at night.
Continue reading ‘Late Night Mass Media 01/20/13’ »
Final Fantasy (series),
Final Fantasy XIII (series),
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII,
Mugen Souls (series),
Mugen Souls Z,
Pokemon (series),
Pokemon X and Y,
Tales (Series),
Tales of Hearts R
Pokemon X/Y will, as is customary, include a slew of new Pokemon to capture and force to fight to the death. While the exact amount was unspecified, a press release confirmed it would up the current count from 649 to over 700.
Source: Gematsu
As revealed in Weekly Famitsu, Super Robot Wars UX – the upcoming 3DS entry in the series – will be adding various new mechs from existing series: Mazinkaiser SKL‘s titular SKL and Wingle mechs, SD Gundam Sangokuden Brave Battle‘s Ougasou Kanu Gundam, and Mobile Suit Gundam: Seed Destiny‘s Infinite Justice Gundam.
Source: Gematsu
Along with the recent batch of screenshots, Compile Heart has revealed some additional information about the upcoming Mugen Souls Z. Plotwise, the game opens with Chou Chou, a main character from the previous game, seeking to dominate twelve worlds as a starting point for ruling the galaxy. The player assumes the role of a “supreme god” – manifest in the body of an amnesiac girl named Surma – who aims to unite the powers of those worlds to stop Chou Chou.
A heartbreaking teaser trailer can be found on the YouTube. No, I don’t follow it either. Just embrace the confusion and everything will be okay.
Source: Gematsu
Good ol’ self-explanatory news. NIS America has announced that Disgaea 2 will go live on PlayStation Network starting January 22. Players wishing to party like it’s 2006 can do so for the low, low cost of $9.99.
Additional details about the 3DS-based Fire Emblem: Awakening have been revealed. The game will feature a steady flow of downloadable maps each week after release, with the content itself accessible through the in-game location known as the Outrealm Gate. Further content will be distributed for free through SpotPass, and players can also use StreetPass to create custom teams to assist other players.
Nintendo has meanwhile confirmed that a 3DS Awakening bundle will see distribution in North America, arriving on the current launch day of February 4.
Source: Gematsu
The 49ers have made me $25 richer.
Continue reading ‘Mass Media 01/12/13’ »
It’s tempting to label Drox Operative as Din’s Curse with spaceships. The two titles share a lot on the surface, from the almost identical UI to the randomly generated worlds that develop organically. Yet Curse looked like just another dungeon crawler, and it delivered one of the smartest twists on the genre in years. Looks, after all, can be deceiving, and behind Operative‘s textbook looting and questing lies a unique and truly dynamic game world. It’s part RPG, part grand strategy, and all oh-hey-it’s-two-in-the-morning-already.
Continue reading ‘Drox Operative – Staff Review’ »
Nintendo has announced Pokemon X and Pokemon Y, which will at last bring the series into the third dimension on the 3DS. Via trailer, we have an idea of which starter Pokemon will be added, along with a worldwide release window of October.
Check said trailer for yourself over on YouTube. Yes, it still prints money.
Namco Bandai has announced a slight delay in Ni no Kuni‘s European release. The game will instead launch on February 1, attributed to logistics and distribution delays. As compensation, the company will be offering a free downloadable gift to all affected players.
The US release date of January 22 has not been affected.
Source: Gematsu
While NIS America had previously stated that Atelier Ayesha would see a North American release, it appears that Tecmo Koei – current parent company of Gust, the series developer – will be handling localization. The ESRB has rated the title, listing Tecmo Koei as the game’s publisher. Neither they nor Gust have confirmed this, however, and a formal announcement is still pending.
Source: Gematsu