Demon’s Souls Hits PSN Tuesday

Atlus has just announced that Demon’s Souls will go digital, launching on PlayStation Network starting January 8. Setting the price at $19.99, Atlus also plans to host a Pure White World Tendency event to commemorate the release; weakening enemies and strengthening players for one week, ending January 14.

Source: Gematsu

Black Isle Proposes Crowdfunded Strategy RPG

The dead have risen, and are asking for money.

Black Isle Studios, the name associated with such role-playing classics as Fallout 2 and Planescape: Torment, has been resurrected to an extent by Interplay. Naturally the actual teams behind those games have long since moved on to other companies and projects, although two of the original staff – Chris Taylor and Mark Green – have indeed rejoined the company. This unusual course of action is to promote a strategy RPG with a post-apocalyptic bent, currently called Project V13.

You may recall that as the name Interplay selected for its planned Fallout MMO, though the current PV13 pitch describes it as more of a single-player affair. You may also remember Interplay lost the rights to develop anything with the name Fallout in it. Indeed, the very name is bleeped out of their introduction video.

But here’s where it gets really weird.

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Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Remix Gets Dated for Japan

Square Enix has just announced that the PS3 high definition re-release of Kingdom Hearts will launch starting March 14, 2013. Interestingly, although the release is currently for Japan only, Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix will have an English voice option alongside Japanese subtitles. As a reminder, the 1.5 Remix includes the original game (Final Mix), Chain of Memories, and 358/2 Days.

Source: Gematsu

Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers Hits North America in Spring

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers will at last see a release in North America. The 3DS remake of the late 90s Saturn (later PlayStation) RPG launched in Japan back in August, and will hit US retailers sometime in spring. So sayeth the trailer released by Atlus, which you can see for yourself on YouTube.

Christmas Eve Mass Media

In most places, you get snow on Christmas Eve. Here we get rain.

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Tales of Hearts R Hits Japanese Vitas in March

As the title says, Tales of Hearts R will launch on the PSVita in Japan starting March 7, 2013. Retail price is set at 6,480 yen, or 5,830 yen for the download version.

Source: Gematsu

Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory Release Date Announced

NIS America has revealed the release date for Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory. The console-tan moepocalypse resumes in North America on March 12, 2013; Europe, March 15.

Source: Gematsu

Ni no Kuni Localization Finished

Namco Bandai has announced that Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch has gone gold, with all development and localization completed. The game will hit North American PS3s starting on January 22, 2013, with the European release to follow on January 25.

Source: Gematsu

Dark Souls 2 Director Teases Details

In a recent interview, Dark Souls 2‘s director Tomohiro Shibuya made mention that their approach to the sequel may be more straightforward. “I personally am the sort of person who likes to be more direct than subtle,” said Shibuya. This apparently means both story and gameplay elements, though few specifics were given. Shibuya did confirm the game is a direct sequel, and Dark Souls director Hidetaka Miyazaki will still be supervising development.

Dark Souls 2 is about 25 percent complete, though a 2013 release is uncertain. Reportedly, the world creation staff has nearly doubled.

Source: Eurogamer, Gematsu

Legend of Heroes: Sen no Kiseki Announced

Falcom has just revealed the next Legend of Heroes title, planned to launch next year in Japan. Sen no Kiseki, as it’s subbed, will be a full 3D spin in the series for both PS3 and Vita. Little is known about the game itself, but the jump to 3D will be paired with more voice acting and a faster-paced battle system.

Source: Gematsu

Theatrhythm Jumps to iOS

In a rather interesting move, Square Enix has released Final Fantasy Theatrhythm on iOS. While the base game is free, it comes with only two songs pre-installed. The rest of the tracklist is accessible through in-app purchases, priced at about 99 cents per song. With over a hundred tracks, you’re looking at >$100 to get the whole shebang.

DLC, she be a demanding mistress.

Source: Eurogamer

Demon Gaze Media

This game is a case study in the inequality of gender character designs.

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Ragnarok Odyssey Confirmed for Global Release

Game Arts’ Ragnarok Odyssey, which launched on the Vita in Japan back in February, will be hitting stores worldwide this winter. No specific date was given, however.

Source: Eurogamer

BioWare Altering SWTOR’s F2P Parameters

Efforts to balance Star Wars: The Old Republic‘s free-to-play features are ongoing, as communicated by executive producer Jeff Hickman. Over on the official website, he describes the process as an ongoing dialogue between players and developers, citing adjustments in Preferred Status upgrades and larger global character limits. Previous changes included increases in PVP limits and additional Quickbars.

For the curious, Hickman’s full post can be read here.

Dark Souls 2 Announced

From Software have confirmed that Dark Souls 2 is in development for PC, PS3, and 360. Series creator Hidetaka Miyazaki will be working with Tomohiro Shibuya as the director, best known for the Monster Hunter series.

Source: Eurogamer

Mass Media 12/08/12

I caved and got a Vita. I’m a chode.

A chode that can play Persona 4: Golden. Suck it.

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Shin Megami Tensei IV Details

Atlus has released a few tidbits regarding Shin Megami Tensei IV‘s world and story. You command the 18-year-old protagonist, a Samurai-in-training from the kingdom of East Mikado. A prophetic dream precedes your initiation, a process known as the Gauntlet Ceremony. Apparently this refers to an actual gauntlet issued to each Samurai, a magical device that aids each warrior in battling demons.

Among your typical ragtag band of heroes are: Watler, a brash young fellow that lacks for manners; Jonathan, the group’s softspoken peacemaker; Navarre, a proud young man that hates to lose; and Isabeau, the only female Samurai and strong-willed to boot. As previously mentioned, the game goes to various points in time, and apparently modern Tokyo lies in ruins following an assault by demons.

Source: Gematsu

Ni no Kuni Demo On PSN This Week

And speaking of Level-5, Namco Bandai will release a demo for Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch on PlayStation Network this week. Go check it out, if you’re so inclined.

Source: PlayStation Blog

Crimson Shroud Set for December 13 Release

Title has it in one. Level-5 announced that Crimson Shroud, brought to you by “I directed Vagrant Story and Final Fantasy Tactics” Yasumi Matsuno, will hit the 3DS eShop for Europe and North America on December 13.

Source: Eurogamer

Skyrim: Dragonborn Dated for All Platforms

Feel free to double-take: Bethesda announced that the Dragonborn DLC for Skyrim will be out early next year. Yes, that includes the PS3 version, and unfortunately it is unclear if this means earlier DLC for the PS3 is closer to being ready. When asked, Bethesda said only that “We’re not done with content for Skyrim. When we’re ready to share more details, we’ll update everyone.”

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