Wasteland 2 Coming to Xbox One, Getting Visual and Gameplay Updates

Amidst its showing at Game Developers Conference, Microsoft announced that several titles, including the Kickstarter-born Wasteland 2, will be making the jump to Xbox One. While a release window was not specified, inXile separately announced that gameplay and graphical updates are in the works – including changes to the character system and modding tools – as part of moving the game’s codebase to Unity 5.

Source: Gamespot

Devil Survivor 2: Record Breaker Hits NA in May

Atlus has announced that Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2: Record Breaker will hit North American 3DSs on May 5.

Source: Gematsu

Mevius Final Fantasy Battles, Job System Revealed

Square Enix has shared some more information about Mevius Final Fantasy, the smartphone entry in the long-running RPG series. Battles have been designed around the smartphone interface, with basic attacks accessible via tapping the screen; multiple attacks can be performed in one turn, and players can use various magic abilities to augment their offense. Defeated enemies drop Elements, which are used to unlock more abilities.

Additionally, Mevius will feature a job system, with correspondingly different attacks depending on the job. Screenshots confirm Black Mage and Ranger, the latter of which functions as a thief-type role. Other series staples, such as moogles, will also make an appearance.

Source: Gematsu

More PoPoLoCrois Farm Story Details

Marvelous has revealed a few more tidbits about PoPoLoCrois Farm Story‘s world and plot. Screenshots show a town called Matthew Village, which Prince Pietro visits during his quest to stop the Black Beast. The town has snowy weather year round, and the presence of the Black Beast prevents the locals – particularly a girl named Sasha – from producing crops. Cue the prince venturing into the field dungeon where the beast waits.

PoPoLoCrois Farm Story is set for a June 18 release on the 3DS in Japan.

Source: Gematsu

Final Fantasy X | X-2 HD Remaster Set for May PS4 Launch

Square Enix has announced the launch dates for the PS4 version of Final Fantasy X | X-2 HD Remaster. The North American release is scheduled for May 12, with Japan following on the 14th and Europe on the 15th. The PS4 version of the remaster will feature cross-save functionality with PS3 and PS Vita copies, remote play on the Vita, and both the original and remastered soundtracks.

Source: Gematsu

Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 3: V Century to Go Global This Summer

Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 3: V Century: Colons Make the Game Go Faster has been confirmed for North American and European releases by Idea Factory International. The PS Vita remake of Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory adds more to the story, along with dual language support in the form of downloadable Japanese audio.

The launch window to get your console war on is set for this summer.

Source: Gematsu

Bravely Second Subtitled to End Layer, Features Save Data Bonuses

Bravely Second will now be known as Bravely Second: End Layer, Square Enix recently announced. Furthermore, up through the end of May, Square Enix Members can upload Bravely Second save data to unlock special costumes for Magnolia, Yuu, Edea, and Tiz.

The title is set for an April 23 release in Japan.

Source: Gematsu

Lord of Magna: Maiden Heaven Confirmed for North American Release

XSEED Games announced that Lord of Magna: Maiden Heaven will see a North American launch on the 3DS. The title is planned for a spring release this year.

Source: Gematsu

Persona 5 Details Revealed

The first batches of Persona 5 information have been released, most of which center around thematic and basic gameplay elements. Details are bulleted below:

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Tales of Zestiria Alisha DLC Announced

Bandai Namco has revealed a downloadable story episode for Tales of Zestiria‘s Alisha. The ‘Alisha After Episode’ follows her and Rose’s efforts to uncover ties between Hyland Kingdom extremists and the Hyouma.

The DLC is free to download until February 28, and will be priced at 1300 yen afterward.

Source: Gematsu

Xenoblade Chronicles 3D Set for April NA Launch

Nintendo announced that the New 3DS version of Xenoblade Chronicles will launch in North America on April 10. Additions for the port include 3D support, a model viewer, soundtrack player, and Amiibo support.

Source: Gematsu

Atelier Rorona Plus: The Alchemist of Arland Media

Mass Media 01-31-15

Atlus Holding Persona News Stream on February 4

Atlus will be launching a special news livestream for Persona on Wednesday, February 4, the company announced. The stream will reportedly be a not-insubstantial 30 hours long, where amidst existing and upcoming series content they will no doubt take responsibility and show Persona 5 properly. (Please?)

Anyway, the stream is set to begin at 1pm JST, and will be accessible through the Japanese Persona channel page and Niconico.

Source: Gematsu

Final Fantasy XV Director Wants Title to Launch Worldwide Simultaneously

In a recent interview, Final Fantasy XV directory Hajime Tabata stated that he would “like to be able to do a worldwide release” for the title. “We don’t want to impose any big delays to players from around the world, so I’m hoping that everyone will be able to play the same Final Fantasy XV together within as close of a time frame as possible.”

At present, no release date for Final Fantasy XV has been announced.

Source: Gematsu

Airship Q Headed to PS4

The previously-announced Airship Q, an upcoming PS Vita action RPG, will also be launching on the Playstation 4. A release date has not yet been announced for either version.

Source: Gematsu

Dragon’s Dogma Online Announced As Free-to-Play

Capcom’s next entry in the Dragon’s Dogma franchise has been announced as a free-to-play title for PS3, PS4, and PC. Dragon’s Dogma Online puts players in the role of an Awakened in the land of Lestaria, with a focus on party-based combat. Players can form parties of up to four people, or partner with AI friendlies to fill in gaps; these NPC pawns can also shorten crafting time and increase item quality.

The title will feature an open world, to be expanded periodically through large seasonal updates and timed quests, and will include microtransactions in place of a monthly fee. Dragon’s Dogma Online will launch sometime this year in Japan.

Source: Gematsu

Makai Shin Trillion Detailed

Care of Dengeki PlayStation comes a handful of details for Makai Shin Trillion, the upcoming PS Vita RPG from Compile Heart.

In particular, players are repeatedly put up against a villain named Trillion, who appropriately enough has a one trillion HP bar that must be whittled down throughout the game. He and his cohorts fight the heroes over territory, and the party must deny Trillion’s advance while dealing as much damage as possible, retreating only if necessary. Falling back forfeits territory to him, and it’s game over if he reaches your inner sanctum.

Off the battlefield, you raise a handful of demon lords to fill out your party, earning memory points while training them up that can be spent later in battle. Demon lords also have access to flunkies called booster devils, and can pull off a Dying Skill if they’re close to death; this seals their fate but can cause massive damage or even permanently block Trillion from certain skills.

Makai Shin Trillion is planned for a 2015 launch in Japan.

Source: Gematsu

Mass Media 01-17-15

Now entering Mansion of Terror.

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Atelier Escha & Logy Plus Details: Playable Nio, Premium Box, and New Episode

As is customary, Atelier Escha & Logy Plus: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky will feature a number of additions over the original title, and developer Gust has lifted the lid on a handful of them. The game will feature a new episode detailing the relationship between the titular protagonists, from each of their perspectives. Nio Altugle, who debuted in Atelier Ayesha, has also become a playable character.

Furthermore, Escha & Logy Plus adds in a variety of new costumes, including a special one for Nio as a downloadable bonus with first-print copies. Lastly, a Premium Box version of the game, priced at 8800 yen, includes a mini crystal paperweight, cleaner cloth, 2015 calendar, and exclusive costume download codes for both characters.

Atelier Escha & Logy Plus hits the PS Vita in Japan on January 22.

Source: Gematsu