FFIV Available on Game Archives

The Playstation version of Final Fantasy IV has just been added to Sony’s Game Archive service, available on PS3 and PSP for the price of ¥1,200.

Source: Andriasang

What Happened This Week – Freak Monsoon HoliDelay a Go-Go

For those of you fortunate enough to not live in northern Illinois, we got whacked with what I can only describe as a reverse hurricane: a freakishly narrow storm front that lasted for about thirty minutes surrounded by clear blue sky. Suburban Chicago is no stranger to strange weather, but this was… new, to put it lightly. We lost power for pretty much the entire day, which means I didn’t get a scrap of work for WHTW done beyond news links. And honestly, there wasn’t a lot going on this week anyway, so if you don’t mind I’m taking an impromptu break and will have the next episode up next week.

Sorry, folks… actually, you know what, I’m not sorry. In a way, I think I needed this. We spent the day cutting down tree branches, clearing debris, and being disconnected (well, almost, thanks to my droid with the 3G connection), and between all that me and the old man tried to stay cool, kept the generator running for the fridge, drank a lot, and just relaxed. It’s been a stressful few weeks in general, a lot of behind-the-scenes drama, and sometimes it’s good to unplug once in a while.

Someone a lot smarter than me once said they spent the New York blackout a few years ago just unwinding on the patio with a cooler and nothing important to do, and it was one of the best days they’d had in a long time. There’s wisdom in that, my friends.

We’ll be back next week, I’ll see you all then! Until then… find some time to relax bit, all right? And while you’re at it, watch Haruka getting clobbered by a box. You’ll thank yourself for it later.

Wada: No FF7 Remake Until Original is Topped

Speaking at the company’s shareholder’s briefing, Square Enix CEO Yoichi Wada responded to the question of a Final Fantasy VII remake thusly: we’ll remake it when we’ve made a game that exceeds it. Wada followed up by admitting the company has not recently done so with its flagship series, and that focusing on a remake now would effectively end the series.

Source: Andriasang

New FFXI Expansion Announced, Producer Leaves Square Enix

Square Enix is developing a fifth expansion to Final Fantasy XI, titled Seekers of Adoulin and planned to release sometime in 2013. On top of new areas, the expansion adds two jobs: Geomancers and Rune Fencers, the latter of whom appear to be more melee-oriented Red Mages. The curious can find the official site over here.

In addition, it was revealed during VanaFest 2012 that Hiromichi Tanaka, FFXI‘s producer, will be leaving his post at Square Enix. A longtime memer of the company, Tanaka cited health reasons for his departure. Akihiko Matsui, FFXIV‘s battle planner, will take over Tanaka’s position.

Source: Andriasang

Pokemon Black and White 2 Sells a Lot of Copies

Not to be outdone, Pokemon Black and White 2 launched today in Japan, selling a scale-breaking 1,618,621 copies in its opening week; which, since it opened on Saturday, is only two days. As a point of reference, the original Black and White sold about 2.6 million in its first week.

Source: Andriasang

Skyrim: Dawnguard Out Now on 360

Of course, if shouting your enemies to death is more your speed, the Dawnguard DLC for Skyrim is now available on the 360 for 1600 MS funbucks ($20).

Source: Joystiq

Dragon’s Dogma Ships One Million Copies

Thank you, Capcom, for making my sales predictions seem laughably premature. Anyhow, Capcom announced that Dragon’s Dogma has shipped one million copies. Mind you, that’s shipped and not sold, but it was still enough for Capcom to further announce plans to make the game into one of its major franchises. DLC updates were also suggested, although not explicitly stated at this time.

Source: Joystiq

ME3 Extended Cut DLC Out Now

The much-talked-about Extended Cut DLC for Mass Effect 3 is finally upon us, free and waiting only for you to update your copy. If you’re one of the three people that hasn’t notice this yet, stop reading this and go find out if the rumors about it de-suckifying the ending are true.

Source: Joystiq

Mass Media 06/25/12

Never watch Stephen King’s The Mist before bed.

Continue reading ‘Mass Media 06/25/12’ »

What Happened This Week – Tablet Plus Keyboard Equals Innovation

Or so we’re supposed to think, I guess. Hey, everybody! We’re on time this week! Let’s not dawdle, here’s what’s going on:

  • Microsoft unveils the Surface, a powerful new tablet with a keyboard cover that may cost $800-$1000 we’ll discuss price later
  • Nintendo shows off a new, bigger 3DS with a longer battery life, possibly at the expense of the whole ‘portable’ thing.
  • Persona 4: The Golden gives Vita sales a shot in the arm.  Good game Sony, now you just need, oh, another couple dozen of those.
  • A week after EA’s Origin pointman says they won’t be offering “going out of business” deep discounts, Origin offers deep discounts.  EA GOING OUT OF BUSINESS FULL STORY AT 11
  • Squenix might bring Final Fantasy VII to Steam, if only they could get it to work.  Meanwhile, Final Fantasy XI continues to print money.
  • Sega launches a browser-based card game for Valkyria Chronicles, to be depicted in the TBS miniseries, “How to Ruin Everything Beautiful in This World.”
  • Blizzard suspends digital Diablo III sales briefly to combat goldfarmers, another Capcom fighting game veteran leaves for greener pastures, and more!

Continue reading ‘What Happened This Week – Tablet Plus Keyboard Equals Innovation’ »

Valkyria Chronicles Invades Browsers

With their heart set on breaking mine, Sega has announced the next installment in the Valkyria Chronicles series is coming to PC… as a browser-based card game. Valkyria Chronicles Duel, as it’s called, centers around building up your army via card collection and deploying said cards to take enemy territories. Battles, apparently, are depicted in 3D using the series’ signature visual style.

Duel is free-to-play with the standard item transactions. A user test is running through to June 25, and the game’s official site is located here. For the curious, there is also an official trailer this-a-way.

Sega, I hope you can see this because I’m doing it as hard as I can.

Square Enix Confirms Bravely Default Composer

Square Enix has announced the composer for Bravely Default: Flying Fairy. Revo, of Sound Horizon, is helming the game’s soundtrack, and has additionally started up a side project based off music from the game.

Source: Andriasang

Final Fantasy 1 Out Now for Windows Phone

Among the many, many things I didn’t see coming is a Windows Phone adaptation of Final Fantasy, as in the very first one. Out now for $6.99, the app supports English, French, Chinese, and Japanese languages.

Source: Joystiq

Ragnarok Odyssey Gets Epic Weapons Expansion

Gamearts and Gung Ho have announced that Ragnarok Odyssey, their PSVita multiplayer action-RPG, will see a third expansion geared around epic weapons. Specifically, the content adds said weapons, an “updated weapon system,” and 17 new quests. The content goes live starting June 21.

Source: Andriasang

What Happened This Week – Burnout Gives HR Stuff to Do

There are weeks, even single days, that make me want to crawl into a bunker with as much food, games, and quality booze as I can manage, seal that sucker up, and hide there for, I dunno, a year or so. But then I tell myself, “I know life sometimes seems bad, but at least you didn’t sign over the Running Man to MC Hammer.”

Shame, too. It was the freshest move I’d ever seen. But enough of that, let’s get to the news.

  • Yet more insanity is added to the fifty-car pileup that is 38 Studios: RBS Citizen’s Bank is suing Curt Schilling directly, and an anonymous wife of a 38S employee speaks out.
  • Oh, and Rhode Island state police have launched a criminal investigation into 38S.  So has the Massachusetts Attorney General.  And the FBI.
  • ICANN prepares for bidding wars on more top-level domains: .xbox, .sony, .apple, and countless others sure to bring back those timeless dotcom jokes from the late 90s.
  • Sony is still trying to convince people the Vita is doing fine, though salary cuts and returned benefits suggest at least someone is taking this doom thing seriously.
  • EA openly admits it would rather have a higher-price game not sell than sell more copies on discount.  Counterpoint: Syndicate is $59.99 on Origin, and $20 plus S&H on Amazon.
  • Eurogamer interviews Yoshinori Ono, the man behind Street Fighter 4, whom Capcom almost literally worked to death.  Read the whole thing if you’ve got time, it’s… sobering.
  • Dead Space 3 has to sell five million copies, Dragon’s Dogma sells just over half a million, I analyze what these stories have in common (read: the AAA push is killing us) and more!

Continue reading ‘What Happened This Week – Burnout Gives HR Stuff to Do’ »

What Happened This Week – Sunday, Sunday, Sundzzzzzzzz

Moving this thing to Monday would solve so many problems. Of course, getting a new job would solve even more problems, and I’ve been having trouble with that, too. Yes, yet another week where I have to push WHTW back a day. Sorry folks, though in my defense I was slightly preoccupied with Father’s Day. And, okay, maybe I had a couple margaritas and fell asleep in the sun. It was a nice day out! Hope you got outside too, was a good day for it.

Anyhow, new episode up tomorrow night. See you then!

Tales of Xillia 2 Details Emerge

Details continue to surface about Tales of Xillia 2. Regarding characters, you’ll be able to switch from main character Rudger to other party members in battle, as is common in Tales games. Less common is that Elle, the female lead, does not take part in battle, being only eight years old. The pair are only a journey to the land of Kanan, where supposedly one can have a wish fulfilled; Elle’s wish is to help her father.

Storywise, the game starts in the city of Trigaf, the home of both Rudger and the large corporation known as Klanspia Company. At the game’s opening, Rudger is trying to find work with them. Gameplay systems reportedly tie into the broader theme of “Are you prepared to destroy the world?” though how, exactly, is unclear.

Source: Andriasang

Dragon Quest X Gets Wii Hardware Bundle

Nintendo and Square Enix will be offering a Wii hardware bundle for Dragon Quest X. While a price has not been set, the package will include a copy of the game, a black Wii and matching Classic Controller Pro, a Wii USB Memory card, and a ¥1000 Nintendo Prepaid card.

Source: Andriasang

FFIII PSP Confirmed

Square Enix has confirmed that a PSP redux of Final Fantasy III is in development. Based on the DS remake, this version also includes some additions from the iOS version. FFIII hits digital and retail stores starting September 20, priced at ¥3,990 on UMD and ¥3,300 for download.

Source: Andriasang

Penny Arcade’s Rain-Slick Precipice 3 Launching Early

In a largely unprecedented move, Zeboyd Games announced that Penny Arcade’s On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3, originally set for a July 10 launch on Steam and XBLIG, will instead be coming out early on June 25. First-week purchases on Steam will also include a free copy of Cthulhu Saves the World.

Source: Joystiq