Bio: Roku Roku
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- Greetings. I am poor at writing bios, so please bear with me.
My name is ---, but you probably know me better as Roku. I am unsure of what to say aside from that. Obviously, I enjoy playing RPGs. I like a variety of other games as well. I don't watch that much TV these days, but I've been catching up on reading and writing. Perhaps some day my workload will decrease to the point where I can balance everything.
A little more about me:
HP: Low
Energy: Good
Power: Average
Defense: Average
Speed/Evade: Exceptional
Likes: Video Games, Programming, Writing, Reading, Anime
Dislikes: Filler, games freezing especially if I haven't saved in a while
Fears: Those shrieking zombies in Zelda games, the giant grabbing hands in Zelda games, doppelgangers
Posts by Roku Roku
Click for all reviews by Roku Roku
Redesign: Electric Dusk
Sunday, April 27th, 2008 by Roku | Posted in Site NewsWhen we started this site back in August, we hinted at wanting to redesign the basic blog style to add some neat features. Well, it took a little longer than we’d wanted it to, but we managed to implement a lot of neat features and improve our graphics. It should be more friendly to those of you who have a high resolution and/or widescreen monitor now too. (more…)
Current Quests – Week of 04/27/08
Sunday, April 27th, 2008 by Roku | Posted in Site NewsHello again everybody ^^. I suppose that it should be fairly obvious what most of us have been working on this week from the looks of the site, but we’ve managed to get in some gaming on the side as well. (more…)