Posts Tagged ‘Persona 4: The Golden’

Persona 4 Golden Gets Even Golden…Er

Via press release, Atlus has announced a special edition of Persona 4: Golden will see a limited run of only 10,000 copies. Ringing in at $69.99 US, the Solid Gold Premium Edition includes a golden Hori pouch, protective skin, stickers, and a face cover.

Persona 4: Golden will launch in North America this fall.

Mass Media 05/19/12

Nanako is the little sister everyone wants. Continue reading ‘Mass Media 05/19/12’ »

Mass Media 04/21/12

Seriously, where the hell did Teddie get that bow tie? Continue reading ‘Mass Media 04/21/12’ »

Mass Media 03/03/2012

Two Shepards down, two to go. D: Continue reading ‘Mass Media 03/03/2012’ »

Persona 4 News: Arena Dated, Bonus Pack for The Golden

With the shiny new English title of Persona 4: Arena, Atlus revealed the Persona 4 fighting game will be making an appearance on North American PS3s and 360s this summer. The Japanese-only arcade variant – The Ultimate in Mayonaka Arena – will go live starting March 1.

Additionally, Enterbrain – publisher of Famitsu – announced that they are releasing a special Famitsu DX pack for Persona 4: The Golden. Sold exclusively through Enterbrain’s site, the ¥10,290 package includes a multi-pouch designed like Marie’s bag, a set of ten postcards, and six A3 posters alongside the game itself.

Source: Andriasang

Mass Media 02/18/12

I have to say that it’s a good thing Chie wears those shorts underneath her skirt in combat, especially now with the addition of bikes. Continue reading ‘Mass Media 02/18/12’ »

Persona 4 The Golden Tidbits: Bikes and Opening Animation

On the off chance that your life was hanging in the balance, you’ll be relieved to know Persona 4: The Golden will employ bikes both in and out of combat. Once you’ve gotten a license for a bike, characters will be able to perform bike-based attacks in battle, and you can also ride over to neighboring towns and other areas for certain events.

Additionally, it was revealed that studio Mad House will be handling the game’s opening animation.

Source: Andriasang

Mass Media 01/28/12

A Philadelphia man was arrested today after trying to make an unauthorized deposit in a sperm bank. Continue reading ‘Mass Media 01/28/12’ »

Mass Media 01/21/12

Rise never gets less adorable. Continue reading ‘Mass Media 01/21/12’ »

More Info About Persona 4: The Golden

And speaking of quirky Japanese things, Famitsu has revealed that Persona 4: The Golden – that being the Vita remake of Persona 4 – will include a few new elements. Players will be able to execute a joint attack with their two party members, and outfit changes will be reflected in combat. There are also new events, namely one at a ski resort and another at an inn.

Source: Andriasang

Mass Media 12/24/11

Boy, I have to go out grocery shopping on Christmas E…TOUCHDOWN PANTHERS! WOOOOOOO! Continue reading ‘Mass Media 12/24/11’ »

Mass Media 09/07/11

Searching for duplicates of Makai Kingdom PSP media is ever so fun, right up there with smashing yourself in the face with a brick. Anyway, it’s media time, and it’s a biggie. In additional to the aforementioned Makai Kingdom PSP, we have 7th Dragon 2020, Dark Souls, Diablo III, Heroes’ Phantasia, Grand Knight’s History, Persona 4: The Golden, and Persona 4: The Ultimate in Mayonaka Arena. Dig in! Continue reading ‘Mass Media 09/07/11’ »

What Happened This Week – Summon Your Accountant

Finally got to upload this, would’ve had it earlier if not for an inopportune (though easily fixed) network hiccup.  Anyway, hope you’re all enjoying the beautiful Labor Day weekend!  It’s time for the news:

  • Famitsu unveiled a cornucopia of Persona news: a Vita port of 4, a fighting game, and a lot of dancing around Persona 5.  So much speculation, so little time.
  • Bethesda does the timed exclusivity song-and-dance with Skyrim DLC, setting a new record by doing so before the game launches.  The power of the money hat is strong.
  • Zeboyd Games gets a crack at Penny Arcade Adventures: Really Long Subtitle: Episode 3.  Don’t underestimate them; Breath of Death VII is deceptively good.
  • Sony plans another head-mounted TV screen monstrosity.  No, Sony, the “3D” part of it doesn’t make it any more likely to succeed than your last attempt.
  • Square Enix plans to boost the staff at Eidos Montreal, Doom‘s 17-year ban in Germany is removed, and more!
  • Plus, a spotlight on the recent financial workings of Zynga, Groupon, and LinkedIn: fuzzy accounting practices, pending market headaches, and the SEC asking pointed questions like “Why do all these numbers have asterisks by them?” and “Why did your accountant introduce himself with air quotes?”

Continue reading ‘What Happened This Week – Summon Your Accountant’ »

Persona Director Comments on Series News

Recent news has put Persona back in the spotlight, with the announcement of a Vita port for Persona 4, a fighting game adaptation, and hints of a possible Persona 5 in the works. Speaking with Famitsu, Persona studio head Katsura Hashino revealed a few scraps of info for each title: Continue reading ‘Persona Director Comments on Series News’ »

Persona 4 Vita and Fighting Games Announced, Persona 5 Hinted

This week’s Famitsu carries a veritable Persona news bonanza, starting with Atlus’ announcement of a PS Vita remake of Persona 4, subtitled The Golden. The Vita remake will add, among other things, a new character, additional voice acting, new animation movies, and wireless support to call on others for help while in a dungeon. The Golden is set for a spring 2012 release.

Less expected is Persona 4: The Ultimate in Mayonaka Arena, a 2D fighter co-developed by Arc System Works. This mouthful of a title is set two years after Persona 4, and reportedly features characters from both Persona 4 and Persona 3. It’s scheduled to hit arcades in spring 2012, followed by PS3 and 360 adaptations in summer of that same year.

Lastly, Famitsu revealed a few of the names currently working on the next main entry, Persona 5. Series veterans are returning in their usual capacity, specifically Katsura Hashino as director, Shigenori Soejima as character designer, and Shouji Meguro as main composer.

Source: Andriasang