Mass Media 02/15/11

Let he who has not tried to dress is Fallout 3 entourage as a barbershop quartet and then pacify the DC ruins with lasers cast the first stone.  With that in mind, on with the media: Everyday Messiah, Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity, Red Stone, Rune Factory Oceans, and Shining Hearts.

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Interview With Mass Effect 3’s Composer

Among many things discussed in an interview with the Quietus, musician Clint Mansell revealed that he’s working on the score for Mass Effect 3. Although the game wasn’t the primary topic of the interview, Mansell did talk about how a game’s score can be used to match the proceedings on-screen.  He also mentioned how a key composer he admires is John Carpenter, in that Mr. Carpenter’s movies have a distinct feel to them.

The interview in its entirety can be read here.

Rune Factory Oceans: Adventure, Romance, Farming, and Giants

By way of Famitsu, details have been revealed about the next installment in the Rune Factory series.  Titled Rune Factory Oceans, the game features the expected mechanics – dating, managing a farm, and traditional adventuring – but with a noticeable uptick in scale.  Specifically, the game apparently starts with a giant uprooting your entire island and carrying it somewhere, and said giant is a recurring feature for retrieving things from the bottom of the ocean: ships, sunken islands, and so on.

As for romance, players can marry their love interest of choice and potentially raise kids.  Seasonal events will also take place during the game, such as fishing challenges and swimsuit contests during summer.  An official site has been launched, although the game is currently set only for a Japanese release of Feburary 24 on the Wii and PS3.

Translation: Adrienne “Sicondera” Beck

Strategy Session – Pokemon Black/White, Part I

With the release of Pokemon Black and White in North America drawing closer and closer, I thought it might be a good idea to take a look at what this new generation will be bringing to the table, competitively speaking. Though the pace and structure of battle hasn’t changed all that much, Black and White brings a huge number of new ‘mons to the table, and with them, a wide variety of new competitive tactics.

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What Happened This Week – BioWare Should Have Bribed the Bouncer

Howdy-ho everybody, and welcome back to What Happened This Week!  Our topics this time include:

  • Fallout New Vegas DLC finally leaves the 360, begging the question of the whole point of timed exclusives.
  • The Writer’s Guild of America picks Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood for best videogame writing.  You’ll be surprised who was (and wasn’t) on the list.
  • Fox News picks a fight with Bulletstorm and cherry-picks responses to blame it for moral decay in our youth.  The sky is also still blue.
  • The future editor of the Washington Post will need a stern talking-to from the Space Pope.
  • DICE conference rumors abound, Dragon Age 2 goes gold, and Guitar Hero goes bye-bye.

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Dragon Age 2 Goes Gold, Demo Footage Revealed

Who’s talking about a slow news week now? BioWare announced today that Dragon Age 2 has officially gone gold for PC, Mac, 360, and PS3.  As if that wasn’t enough, lead designer Mike Laidlaw hosted a live demo and Q&A session covering various gameplay elements: the updated dialogue system, character controls in combat, inventory management, and so on.  Get all the blood splatter you like over yonder.

Dragon Age 2 will release on schedule starting March 8 in North America, and March 11 in Europe.

Mass Media 02/11/11

Slow news week as far as RPGs go, although there are a quite a few juicy rumors floating around elsewhere. Oh, to be a fly on the wall at an Activision Blizzard meeting down at the DICE conference in Vegas… but I digress. Got some media for you to chew on in the meantime: Dark Souls, Dissidia 012 Duodecim, Everyday Messiah, Shining Hearts, Tales of the Abyss 3DS, and Voice Fantasy.

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Mass Media 02/07/11

How’s everybody doing tonight? No fancy warm-up message this time, just some media for you guys to snack on: 3rd Birthday, Cladun 2, Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity, and Shining Hearts. Get it over here!

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What Happened This Week – The Debut

Hiya, folks! Welcome to the debut of our new podcast series, What Happened This Week. Join us every Saturday as we take on, well, I’m sure you can guess from the title. If it’s gaming, if it’s tech, or if it’s big, we’ll break it down for you. Today’s topics:

  • What’s that behind your back, PSP2?
  • Skyrim: I hope they were paying attention to Fallout 3/New Vegas.
  • Tales of Graces F: Namco-Bandai is very, very bad at marketing.
  • Twitter and Facebook are not sparking revolution in Egypt.
  • Canadian ISPs pave the road to much darker things.

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PC, PS3 to Receive Late Payment of Dead Money, More DLC Coming to New Vegas

Via its official blog, Bethesda has announced that PC and PS3 players will finally be able to grab Dead Money, the first DLC for Fallout New Vegas, on February 22. The company also revealed that they will release three more DLC packs. These packs “will launch simultaneously” on all three platforms.

2010: The Games We’re Glad to Have Played

The end-of-year “Best of” awards are a widespread tradition amongst gaming sites, a nice way to close the year out by looking back. We have toyed occasionally with the idea of doing our own awards, but the sheer scope of RPGs released during each year has to give one pause. How do you go about settling on one title to call the best RPG of 2010? Certainly no one can claim to have played them all, and there’s always the nagging suspicion that something has been forgotten. So instead of a straight up and down awards, this year we’re taking a short look back the games we’re glad we played in 2010. Not all of them were released last year, and many of them would never have appeared in an awards feature, but in the end, the important thing about playing video games is simply that you enjoyed them.

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White Knight Chronicles: Dogma Wars Goes Back In Time

On the eve of its release in Japan – well, it’s evening over here, at least – a few more tidbits about White Knight Chronicles Episode Portable: Dogma Wars have been revealed.  The titular Dogma Wars are the game’s setting, taking place 10,000 years prior to the original game.  Up to four players can join up to clear quests via the PSP’s wireless connection, and players can import their avatars from both the original Chronicles and the sequel, Awakening of Light and Darkness.

Source: Dengeki

Translation: Adrienne “Sicondera” Beck

Slightly Less Mass Media 02/02/11

How you North American kids handling post-snowpocalyptia today? Got a bit more Disgaea 4 and Tales of Xillia for you. And after this is up, I’m going to take some aspirin and lie down, because helping to move three tons of snow seriously takes the fight out of a person. But I digress.

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NISA Schedules Ar tonelico Qoga’s Arrival

NISA has announced that Ar tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel will be released in North America on March 15. There will be a premium edition that includes a soundtrack CD and a hard cover art book. In addition, pre-ordering one of the first 1000 units from NISA’s store will get you a special limited edition Cosmosphere Calendar. Those who are not as fanatical about Reyvateils can opt for the standard version, which includes only the game and none of the swag.

Namco Bandai Teases North America with Tales of Graces F

A teaser site has revealed that Tales of Graces F will be coming to North America. The site has almost no information right now, but more should be announced in the near future.

3rd Birthday, FFIV Collection Coming to North America This Spring

Square Enix has announced that The 3rd Birthday will go on sale in North America on March 29. This version of the game will feature the voice acting talents of Yvonne Strahovski from Chuck and Mass Effect 2 and Jensen Ackles from Supernatural.

The company also recently revealed that Final Fantasy IV: Complete Collection will be available this spring.

Mass Media 02/01/11

Greetings from the Chicago suburbs, currently known as the Greater Illinois Snow Field of Doom.  Come on in and warm up with some fresh media: 3rd Birthday, Atelier Violet, Dissidia 012 Duodecim, Dragon Quest Monsters Joker 2, Final Fantasy Type-0, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance, Persona 2 Innocent Sin, Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity, and Valkyria Chronicles 3. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll spot familiar faces, you’ll wonder what the DPS on Luka’s giant fish is.

I am actually somewhat curious about that, but I digress.  On with the media!

Continue reading ‘Mass Media 02/01/11’ »

Skyrim’s Menu System: Out With the Old, In With the Stargazing

The steady drip of Skyrim information continues with a breakdown of the game’s menu system, which has effectively discarded the existing Oblivion and Fallout 3/New Vegas models.  Director Todd Howard stated that they looked to Apple’s UIs for inspiration, and the result is a radial interface with different directions bringing the player to subsections.

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The Four Most Destructive Gamer Arguments

It should come as no surprise that gamers, by our very nature, are competitive creatures. We argue and debate amongst ourselves constantly, which more often than not is the reason gaming is such a vibrant subculture. No, arguing is not an inherently bad thing, but there are a series of discussions which pop up from time to time that serve no real purpose other than to divide. These are invariably circular arguments which should be purged from our collective dialogue, pointless disagreements that use our competitive natures against us, that serve no purpose other than as springboards for even more irritating secondary bickering about other people’s grammar and what they “really meant” by what was said. In short, these are the four most destructive arguments gamers have.

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XSEED Readies Ys I & II Chronicles for North America

XSEED Games has confirmed that Ys I & II Chronicles for the PSP will arrive in North America on February 22. You can get your copy as a digital download via PSN or a traditional physical copy via the retailer of your choice, whichever is Ys-ier for you.

In the meantime, check out the official website.