Uematsu On Board with Upcoming Square Enix Titles

Wired recently ran a feature on Nobuo Uematsu, who is best known for composing the music of the Final Fantasy series. The article noted that Square Enix had previously announced that Uematsu would be composing the musical score for Final Fantasy XIV. It also revealed that he will be composing the entire soundtrack alone, unlike with previous titles where he shared the workload with other composers. Uematsu also stated during the interview that he will be composing the soundtracks for two other unannounced Square Enix titles.

You can check out the full feature over at Wired.

Strategy Session – Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor, Part II

With more than sixty passive abilities and fifty active commands, Devil Survivor offers a heckuva lot of room to maneuver when it comes to character customization. But what to use? This week, we’ll take a look at some useful skills and the combinations that players can piece together.

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Mass Media 07/25/09

Is the main character of Vesperia male or female? I seriously cannot tell.

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Mass Media 07/24/09

Brace yourself folks, this one’s a big’un. In today’s update: Dragon Quest IX, Final Fantasy Gaiden, Valkyria Chronicles 2, Final Fantasy Legend II DS, more Final Fantasy Legend II DS, even more Final Fantasy Legend II DS and finally, still more Final Fantasy Legend II DS than is probably healthy.

Here, listen to something awesome while you peruse the update. Join me in wondering why there was never a follow-up to the origin of that song. No justice, I tells ya. Anyhoo, onto the media:

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Alpha Protocol Will Have Sex Scenes, Conservative Blogger Outrage on Fox News to Follow

In an interview with VideoGamer.com, Obsidian programming producer Nathan Davis revealed that the developer’s upcoming spy RPG Alpha Protocol will have “tasteful” and “satisfying” sex scenes. The player will be able to choose between a number of possible romantic partners with each having an effect on the game’s ending. Davis emphasized that there will be no interactivity or frontal nudity.

North American players will see for themselves when they get their hands on Alpha Protocol this fall.

Source: VideoGamer.com

New Additions to Tales of Graces

Tales of Graces is set to come out on the Wii in the winter of 2009, and in that release comes a few new characters as well as some new additions to the battle system.

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Mass Media 07/23/09

That girl in the veil from Rune Factory 3 is totally adorable. Just pointing that out.

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Dimensional Veils Part, Shine Light on Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey

It’s been over five years since Atlus’ innovative RPG Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne took the PS2 by storm but, as of October 8th of this year, the wait for a new, original Shin Megami Tensei title will end when Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey arrives on the Nintendo DS in Japan.

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NPCast XI: Radio Free Jeuno

Howdy, Vana’Dielians! Some of you may have noticed that Squenix has gotten in on the episodic content thing with their MMOPRG, for which they are doling out mini-expansions at ten bucks a pop. Paired with them are totally free updates, of course. But are they worth it? Fellow Final Fantasy XI denizens Alethea and Nerdboy join myself for a discussion on the latest update notes and how silly they are. Also, this (lack of a usable) chair is an eyesore. Behold!

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Final Fantasy Gaiden: Four Warriors of Light Shows Off Shiny New Hats

According to Famitsu, Final Fantasy Gaiden: Four Warriors of Light will have something of a fashion statement to make.  As we previously reported, the newest Final Fantasy has modified the series staple Job System, renaming it the Crown System.  In this system players can equip their party members with different headgear to give them different skills.  There will be over 20 different types of headgear, including a knight’s helm, black and white mage hats, a monk bandana, and hats for vagrants and playboys.  Each different piece of headgear will change the appearance of the character’s sprite.

Final Fantasy Gaiden: Four Warriors of Light is set to go on sale for the NDS in Japan sometime this coming Fall.

Blue Dragon Sequel Gets Online Functions, Release Date

Namco Bandai and Mistwalker’s Blue Dragon: Behemoth of the Otherworld is due for release in Japan on October 1. Among other differences with its predecessor Blue Dragon, Behemoth will feature real-time combat and multiplayer functionality for up to three players over Nintendo WiFi.

No release date outside of Japan has been announced.

Source: Siliconera

Atelier Annie to Arrive in the Americas This Fall

NIS America has announced that it is bringing the next entry in the Atelier series to North America in the fall. Atelier Annie will be the first in the series for the DS, and it will task players with building a resort in three in-game years. There’s also alchemy somewhere. There has been no response to the question of whether a player can crash their resort “The Producers”-style and somehow create gold that way. Time will tell.

The exact release date is not yet known.

Source: Siliconera

Mass Effect Jumps to New Medium

Bioware and Dark Horse Comics recently announced that the Mass Effect series will be jumping to a new medium: a series of comic books entitled Mass Effect: Redemption.  Like the novels Mass Effect: Revelation and Mass Effect: Ascension, the four-issue series will add more detail to the universe of Mass Effect.

The story, penned by Bioware’s Lead Writer Mac Walters, is set near the beginning of Mass Effect 2. It follows Commander Shepard and Dr. Liara T’Soni as they fight together for survival in the Terminus Systems, a dangerous area of space beyond the jurisdiction and political influence of the Citadel Council and Human Systems Alliance. Walters mentioned in an interview with IGN that the current plan is to tie the story to downloadable content for ME2.

The first comic book in the series will be out in January of next year.

Sources: GamingAngels, IGN

Game Changers: Volume 16 – Super Columbine Massacre RPG!

Controversy, while usually reserved for more mainstream titles such as Grand Theft Auto, isn’t completely unknown to the RPG world. Recently Fallout 3 garnered some attention, of the negative sort of course, for in-game drug use, as did Mass Effect for its “sex scene.” However, by far the most controversial RPG out there is one most of us have probably never played, one created not by a big game company for profit but by an aspiring filmmaker using an RPG maker software for the sake of social commentary.

In 2005 an indie game with the controversial (and to many, offensive) title of Super Columbine Massacre RPG! caused a media frenzy. It was condemned by some as a sick joke and money-making scheme, and by others, lauded as a serious attempt to use the video game medium to engange with social issues. It also resurrected the debate about whether violent video games and music can cause real-world violence, a debate which had been at the centre of the aftermath of the Columbine shootings six years earlier.

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XSEED Unscrambles Riz-Zoawd for North America

XSEED announced yesterday that it is localizing Riz-Zoawd for North America as The Wizard of Oz: Beyond the Yellow Brick Road. Developed by Media.Vision, this Nintendo DS title features turn-based first-person battles, stylus controls, and a reinterpretation of L. Frank Baum’s classic story.

The Wizard of Oz: Beyond the Yellow Brick Road will be available in North American stores sometime this fall.

Strategy Session – Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor, Part I

As with other Shin Megami Tensei games, demons in Devil Survivor are divided into groups, in this case known as races. Each race has an ability unique to them, called a Racial Skill, which can be some of the most powerful and useful in the entire game. And since players get two demonic allies to a team, these abilities can be combined in some very unusual and useful ways. This week, we’re taking a look at these abilities and offering up some advice as to how players can use them to crush some skulls.

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Disgaea 2 Gets Fuzzy, Explosive Companion Dood

Apart from the standard $29.99 copy of Disgaea 2: Dark Hero Days, NIS America is also releasing a version bundled with a Prinny Laharl plush doll for $39.99, courtesy of Rosenqueen. Exactly 1,000 such copies are being shipped, so the item is limited in availability. The two versions are identical apart from the plush, and both are due for release on September 8.

Mass Media 07/18/09 – Part 2

This update brought to you in part by the Imperial Watch. They may not see you break into that guy’s house, kill his family, and steal all his worldly possessions, but if you accidentally grab food on the counter that’s not yours instead of talking to the shopkeeper like you intended to… well, the Nine help you, friend. In this update: Legend of Hero: Narisokonai, Princess Antiphona’s Hymn: Angel’s Score Op.A, and Final Fantasy Gaiden.

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Final Fantasy XIII Gets Hope, Still Waiting for Change

Square Enix has shed some light a previously unnamed character in Final Fantasy XIII.  Hope Estheim is the boy with whitish silver hair that is seen in the demo.  His mother fights in the resistance army with Snow, but despite Snow’s efforts to save her, Hope’s mother dies.  For this reason, Hope holds a grudge against Snow.  Other than that, all we know is that he fights with a boomerang and has some sort of attraction to Oerba Dia Vanille, the pigtailed girl seen in the demo and many other trailers.

Source: Final Fantasy Wiki

Mass Media 07/18/09

The PS3 version of Vesperia needs to come out over here so I can play it.

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